The Basic Court in Pirot issued a public announcement in which, at the end, it stated that the murder of Sanja M. could not have been prevented, despite the fact that she repeatedly reported her ex violent partner for stalking her. This public announcement of the Basic Court in Pirot sends a defeating message to all women who are surviving similar forms of family or partner related violence – that despite reporting the abuser their lives will not be saved.
Representatives of the Autonomous Women’s Center participated in a webinar dedicated to researching violence against women and children in Southeast Europe, organized by the Sexual Violence Research Initiative – SVRI.
At the invitation of the Committee for Constitutional Affairs and Legislation of the National Assembly, AWC submitted its views expressing regret for the manner in which the Ministry of Justice rejected the proposals of the Autonomous Women's Center on the draft Law o judges and draft Law on Public Prosecutors Office that were submitted during the public debate. Ministry of Justice proposed to the National Assembly legal solutions that are in conflict with The Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence and the National Strategy for Realizing the Rights of Victims and Witnesses of Criminal Crimes in the Republic of Serbia.
On January 16th 2023 the Autonomous Women’s Center received replies from the Ombudsman and the High Prosecutorial Office in Nis in relation to AWC’s request for immediate reactions and review of the work of the Police Administration in Nis in the case of a reported rape in Nis.
As part of the public debate on draft judicial laws AWC submitted comments and proposals for amendments to the draft Law on the Organization of Courts, the Law on Judges and the Law on Public Prosecution to the Ministry of Justice.
The Autonomous Women’s Center has filed a complaint with the Press Council against media portals Mondo, Alo, Dnevno, Novosti, Luftika, Niske Vesti, Telegraf, Nova, Informer, and Pink due to their reporting on a rape case Nis that has been reported to police.
As part of the prevention program "I can choose to say NO - Love is not violence!", the Autonomous Women's Center, together with a team of peer educators, prepared and launched new workshops for young women called "Pornography & Youth Partnerships". In the previous period, 40 girls aged 15 to 26 attended online workshops, and the workshops will continue next year.
Autonomous Women's Center, Women in Black and Dah Theater from Belgrade, with the support of the women's association Anima from Đulići, the Mothers' Movement of the Srebrenica and Zepa enclaves from Sarajevo, the Bratunac Women's Association from Sarajevo, the Association of War Victims Foča 92-95 from Sarajevo, the Center for Women Victims of the war - Rosa, from Zagreb, the association Against Oblivion from Novska, the Peščanik Women's Association from Kruševac, the Nena Association - groups for peace and women's rights from Leskovac, the Women of Polimlje Association from Prijepolje, the Bona Fide Association from Pljevlja, gathered in the Women's Court movement - feminist approach to justice, are organizing a street action on Tuesday, December 6, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., in Republic Square, called "Stop the killing of women".
An analysis of five years of implementation of the Law on Public Order and Peace (2016-2020) issued this week by the Autonomous Women's Center shows that engaging in prostitution is sanctioned on average 3.5 times more than the use of prostitution services, although legally responsible for prostitution are both persons who provide prostitution services and persons who use them.
A regional consortium of organizations from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, which for the past 30 years have been working for the rights of victims and survivors of sexual violence during the wars in the former Yugoslavia, are asking the Government of the United Kingdom why Ivica Dacic, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and a close associate of the Milosevic regime, has the legitimacy to speak at a conference on the prevention of these crimes in conflict and how this choice of speaker supports preventive efforts in the region?