Donor: International Women’s Club Belgrade

Project duration: May 2024 – December 2024

Project goal: Support for women who have experienced violence in a partner relationship / family to exercise their rights, achieve independence and self-reliance.


Key activities:

1. Psycho-social support for women: provision of SOS telephone services, "face-to-face" consultation and answering women's e-mail messages.

2. Assertiveness training for women who have experienced violence in order to better self-represent their interests and needs, strengthen boundaries, improve communication, build a positive "self-image", damaged during the period of violence in which they lived.

3. Mediation in employment and creation of informative materials of interest to women who have experienced violence.

Donor: L’Oreal Fund for Women

Project duration: May 2024 – May 2026


Project goals: Contribution to the empowerment of women with the experience of violence in a partner relationship / family to exercise their rights, to protect themselves and recover from violence, as well as to achieve economic independence.

 Key activities:

 1. Provision of standard, continuous high-quality support: psycho-social support by SOS phone, "face-to-face" consultations, answering e-mail messages; free legal support by phone and "face to face", writing submissions and representation before the court;

 2. Economic empowerment of women: assistance to women with the experience of violence in realizing their right to material assistance, information and mediation in employment, training to improve skills and knowledge, provision of urgent financial assistance to meet needs (medical examinations, necessary accommodation, transport, food, coverage of court costs).

Donor: The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation

Project duration: January 2024 − December 2026


Project goal: Increased priority of women’s human rights by governments in the EU accession process through the participation of women’s organizations.

Key activities / results

1. Monitoring of the application of international standards by the AWC: Preparation of reports for GREVIO first thematic cycle; Preparation of reports for the Committee of the Parties regarding the process of monitoring GREVIO recommendations; Preparation of reports to the UN CEDPW Committee; Preparation of comments related to the implementation of recommendations of other international bodies related to issues of women's rights, gender equality and protection against violence.

2. Proposals for policies and amendments to laws, through dialogue with decision-makers, with the active participation of the media, citizen associations and the public - in the areas of: non-discrimination and gender equality; suppression and prevention of violence against women; social protection and support for women and children who have experienced violence; educational policy related to issues of gender equality and prevention of gender-based violence; promotion and protection of sexual and reproductive rights and health of women and girls;

3. Monitoring reforms from Chapter 23 and Chapter 19 - in partnership with the prEUgovor coalition and other organizations: Monitoring the implementation of the AP for Chapter 23, preparation of annexes for semi-annual Alarm reports, presentation of reports to competent decision makers, the EU Delegation in Serbia, representatives of embassies of EU member states, the media and the public; Monitoring the implementation of AP for chapter 19 (reports and announcements);

4. Strengthening the internal capacities of AWC members (especially the consulting team): Development of knowledge of the consulting team, improvement of documentation that regulates the procedure, organization of supervision and training against "burnout".

Donor: European Commission

Project duration: March 2023 – February 2025

Project objective: Advocating for international human rights standards in policies and practices in Serbia, on two related topics: 1) in cases of murder of women and protection of the rights of their underage children and 2) in the protection of the rights of women and children from the legalization of the concept of "parental alienation"; developing a more favorable social climate, as well as an institutional and non-institutional support system for women victims/survivors and their children.

Expected results:

1. Strengthened capacities of at least 15 WCSOs from Serbia for documenting, reporting and advocating on two topics - protection of underage children of mothers femicide victims and prevention of legalization of the concept of “parental alienation”.

2. At least two draft amendments to laws and/or public policies written and submitted; raised awareness of 100 decision-makers on the necessary legal changes and policymaking to protect the rights of women, GBV victims and their children in institutional procedures.

3. Raised awareness of 10,000 citizens about the problems and needs of women victims/survivors and their children through increasing media visibility of the two topics and establishing a femicide memorial.

4. Two alternative reports (shadow reports) for the CEDAW Committee and the GREVIO expert group written.

Donor: Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation

Project duration: October 2022–December 2024

Project goal: General support to the Autonomous Women's Center in implementing activities from the Strategic Plan.

Key activities / results:

1. Maintaining the continuity and quality of a wide range of support activities for women who have experienced gender-based violence, especially in the area of economic empowerment. Support will be provided to at least 900 women per year.

2. Better information for women and greater visibility of AWC services. The link with information for women's self-education will be improved, as well as the link with content related to financial, social assistance, and economic empowerment of women.

3. Strengthening the capacity of AWC members (knowledge, skills, connections and finances) for direct support to women.

Donor: The Sigrid Rausing Trust

Project duration: June 2022 – May 2024

Project goal: General support to the Autonomous Women's Center in implementing activities from the Strategic Plan.

Key activities/outputs:

1. Women survivors of violence empowered to live free of violence - Providing psychosocial support and legal aid to women who survived violence; Strengthening knowledge, cooperation and wellbeing of AWC’s service providers; Promoting AWC’s support services.

2. Capacities of women’s movement built and awareness of media and youth regarding violence against women raised -  joint advocacy activities, project partnerships, training program with WCSOs at local, regional or international level; Cooperation with media; Raising awareness on different forms of on gender-based violence (GBV) among young people.

3. Institutional framework for the protection of women from violence improved in line with international high standards and obligations -  reporting regarding monitoring of reforms and implementation of international standards in relation to prevention, protection and suppression of violence against women; submitting policy proposal and proposals for the amendments of the law; Developing new training programs for professionals in institutions and conducting at least trainings, meetings, consultations and support for professionals in institutions, CSO’s and students from relevant professions.

4. AWC’s programme, financial and political autonomy and sustainability strengthened.

Donor: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Project duration: November 2020 – January 2024

Partner organizations: medica mondiale (Germany), medica Zenica, Vive Žene (Bosnia and Hercegovina), medica Gjakova, Kosova Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims (Kosovo), Youth Initiative for Human Rights, Women in Black (Serbia)

Project goal: Creating a culture of recognition and reconciliation in the Western Balkans for women survivors of war related SGBV to live in dignity and free from violence

Outcomes of the project:

  1. The topic of war related SGBV is reflected in political debates and curricula
  2. Improved laws and procedures for compensation mechanisms
  3. Improved court procedures
  4. Likeminded feminist women's organisations are recognised as experts in political national and regional reconciliation processes