Donor: European Commission
Project duration: March 2023 – February 2025
Project objective: Advocating for international human rights standards in policies and practices in Serbia, on two related topics: 1) in cases of murder of women and protection of the rights of their underage children and 2) in the protection of the rights of women and children from the legalization of the concept of "parental alienation"; developing a more favorable social climate, as well as an institutional and non-institutional support system for women victims/survivors and their children.
Expected results:
1. Strengthened capacities of at least 15 WCSOs from Serbia for documenting, reporting and advocating on two topics - protection of underage children of mothers femicide victims and prevention of legalization of the concept of “parental alienation”.
2. At least two draft amendments to laws and/or public policies written and submitted; raised awareness of 100 decision-makers on the necessary legal changes and policymaking to protect the rights of women, GBV victims and their children in institutional procedures.
3. Raised awareness of 10,000 citizens about the problems and needs of women victims/survivors and their children through increasing media visibility of the two topics and establishing a femicide memorial.
4. Two alternative reports (shadow reports) for the CEDAW Committee and the GREVIO expert group written.