Autonomous Women's Center has sent a letter to Secretary of State, Brankica Jankovic, with comments on the inconsistency in the use of gender-sensitive terms, that is in the naming of women as subject of protection from domestic violence (which makes this special protocol conflicting with the General Protocol on procedures and cooperation of institutions, bodies and organizations in situations of violence against women in the family and partner relationships).

Autonomous Women's Center has sent a letter to the Minister of Internal Affairs on the occasion of adoption of the Special protocol for treatment of police officers in cases of violence against women and violence in intimate relationship with the request to delete section 3.7. False Report from the Protocol.

Since 2008, Autonomous Women's Center regularly monitors the execution of the budget of the Gender Equality Directorate at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, as the competent body in the Republic of Serbia to improve the status of women and promote gender equality. Consumption of budget funds of the Directorate is still below 50%.

At the round table organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Autonomous Women's Center presented the comments on the second draft of the Regulations on minimum standards for the provision of advisory-therapeutic and socio-educational services in social protection. With these comments we wanted to draw the attention of the Working Group on two basic lack, in whole and in parts, for which the document was unacceptable to AWC and other women's organizations that provide services to women with experience of violence.

Autonomous Women's Center has prepared amendments for the changes and additions to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia, and submitted them to the authorized nominator, the Ombudsperson. The amendment proposal was accepted by the Ombudsperson, and this initiative was delivered to the Working Group on Amendments to the Criminal Code, the Ministry of Justice.

In November 2011, Autonomous Women's Center, sent the proposal to the authorities of the City of Belgrade to amend the Decision on Amending the Decision on the Rights in the Social Protection of Belgrade with the goal of making all women victims of domestic violence equal on the territory of Belgrade in terms of social givings.

The whole document is available in Serbian language here.

Autonomous Women's Center has prepared amendments to the Draft Code of Criminal Procedure, which were handed over to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. Ministry of Labour and Social Policy is responsible for implementing the National Strategy for Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women in the Family and in Partner Relationships whose one of the goals are Other strategic areas and changes to the penal legislation.

Autonomous Women's Center, through the Ombudsperson, submitted amendments to the Draft Law on Social Protection relating to the introduction of new services (status of parents caregivers), and the consistency of the legal provisions of the plurality of

The Government of the Republic of Serbia on March 30th 2011 adopted the First National Report on Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2008-2010, with the adopted comments of the Autonomous Women's Center.

During the round table "Together with Europe: Proposal on records of domestic violence", which was held on 16th of December 2010 at the Sava Center in Belgrade, organized by the Autonomous Women's Center, the Provincial Secretariat for Labour, Employment and Gender Equality and the Project "Fight against sexual and gender-based violence "(Gender Equality Directorate and UNDP) it was promoted the model of the central (common) on records of domestic violence and unified records on violence in the family for 8 services (police, prosecution, courts -Criminal, misdemeanor, the court the dispute of family relations; centers for social welfare; medical institutions; specialized services to support victims).