szs logoThe Press Council Commission did not have the necessary majority to decide on the violation of the anti-discrimination provisions of the Code of Ethics in journalism in the article "Against Violence, Not against Men and Women" published in Politika daily. This text, according to the Commission's decision, violates the articles relating to the truthfulness of reporting (Section I, point 5) and journalistic attention (Section V, point 1). At the same time, the Press Council did not recognize the violation of the Code in the article “Medea's Revenge”, published in the same newspaper, also appealed against by AWC.

pravda s"We use this opportunity to emphasize that the implementation of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence was successfully launched in the first month. According to the data of the Republic Public Prosecutor's Office, 2,430 cases of domestic violence were examined in June 2017. Although the number of emergency measures taken under the authority of the police is not known, in almost half of the cases of domestic violence, the deputy public prosecutors filed proposals for extending emergency measures (1,212 proposals). The largest number of the proposals for extending emergency measures was adopted by the court (1,174 proposals)" - it is stated in the First Independent Report on the Implementation of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence.

drzava mora da reagujeThe Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia (MODS) and the Women Against Violence Network sent a letter to the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans' and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Internal Affairs Recommendations for improving systemic measures in the area of prevention and protection against domestic violence.

Autonomous Women’s Center is addressing the High Court Council requesting, in accordance with its competencies, to examine the responsibility of the judges who acted in the criminal and family protection proceedings in cases of murder of two women and a child in the premises of the City Center for Social Work Belgrade - Novi Beograd and Rakovica departments.

The Autonomous Women's Center sent open letters today to Nebojša Stefanović, Minister of Internal Affairs and Zoran Đorđević, Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans' and Social Affairs, asking them to publish a report on supervision in the City Centers for Social and Internal Control of Police Stations Novi Beograd and Rakovica.

The Coordinating Body for Gender Equality chaired by Deputy Prime Minister prof. Dr Zorana Mihajlović and the Autonomous Women's Center agreed at today's meeting on the recommendations that need to be undertaken to make the fight against violence against women more effective.

szs logoAt the last session of the Press Council Commission, held on June 29, 2017, members of the Commission unanimously passed decisions that the Informer, Alo and Vecernje Novosti daily newspapers violated the Code of Journalists of Serbia with the articles regarding the introduction of new criminal offenses of sexual harassment and stalking.

The Women Against Violence Network and the Autonomous Women's Center strongly condemn the institutions whose omissions led to the murder of O.L. by her husband M.L. in front of the Center for Social Work in Novi Beograd and are demanding the most severe punishment for professionals in these institutions!

prEUgovor sCoalition prEUgovor welcomes the decision of the Serbian Government's Negotiating Team to publish the European Commission's Report on the current state in chapters 23 i 24 for Serbia, so called non-paper, which is available at the European Integration Office website. We consider the availability of documents from the negotiation process to be essential to the informing of the citizens, inclusion of all the actors that could contribute to this process, and most importantly, for the success and the sustainability of the reforms that are conducted.

Upon the complaint of Autonomous Women's Center, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, for the first time in Serbia, has established a multiple discrimination against a woman who has experienced domestic violence, based on her personal characteristics - gender and nationality.