debata o nasiljuAre the existing international conventions and treaties implemented by governments sufficient to protect women and girls from violence in the family and partner relations? What has been achieved and what are the key gaps and challenges in the policy implementations? These were the main issues discussed at the National Debate „Violence against Women in Serbia: Between Commitments and Reality - Do we need a strategic approach to the issue“. 

thumb vanja macanovic hagThe PrEUgovor coalition organized a study visit to The Hague on 24th and 25th of April, which was attended by Vanja Macanović from the Autonomous Women's Center. During the visit, the topics such as the rule of law and the influence of European integration on the reforms in the chapters 23 and 24 were discussed.

preugovor 13 04 sThe prEUgovor coalition presented the latest independent report on Serbia's progress in implementing policies in the areas covered by chapters 23 and 24 of the European integration, as well as an assessment of the approach of the Government of Serbia and the European Union to reforms in the field of the rule of law.

azcThe Autonomous Women's Center is expressing concern about a number of louder and louder public commentaries that relativizes sexual violence, either in the form of not believing a woman who had survived it, or in terms of reducing her experience and justifying the perpetrators.

osmi mart2The Women Against Violence Network, Labris - Organization for Lesbian Human Rights, Reconstruction Women's Fund, ASTRA, Roma Women's Network, Woman in Black Serbia Network, Women's Network of Rasina District, Left Summit of Serbia, Lesbian Consultation and Women's Plenum for Strike call for a protest march on March 8th in Belgrade, at Republic square at 5pm.

EgaliteSR sWithin the cycle of debates and workshops aimed at combating stereotypes and gender inequalities, the French Institute in Serbia and the University of Belgrade are organizing a half-day debate with participants from Serbia and France on the topic of violence against women to be held on International Women's Day on March 8th from 15h to 19h at the premises of the French Institute.

un geneva sGeneva, january 2018 - The conclusions and recommendations of the working group of the Human Rights Council, based on the consideration of the Reports of the Republic of Serbia within the third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review, at the 29th session in Geneva (15-26 January 2018), contain 74 recommendations formulated during the interactive dialogue Serbia examined and accepted, and another 116 recommendations that should be explored and delivered to the Council (no later than the 38th session).

mdn pesmaStudents of the Music School "Stanković" joined the campaign I Can Say No in a unique and creative way - by writing and composing a song called I Can Say No, which describes everything they had learned during the workshops.

alergicni na nepravdu sThe campaign Are you allergic to injustice? launched by the Autonomous Women's Center in order to harmonize the definition of the criminal offense of rape with the Istanbul Convention was nominated for the best non-profit campaign in Serbia for 2017.

nacionalni sos telefon sThe Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans' and Social Affairs announced, during the 16 days of activism against violence against women, the founding of the National SOS helpline for women victims of violence - a telephone that the state of Serbia was obliged to establish in October 2013. when it ratified the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. The Ministry has announced two vacancies for the National SOS helpline and both vacancies have been withdrawn.