Project duration: 15 months

The project is funded by: The United States Embassy in Serbia

Duration of the Project: 15 months

The Project is funded by: UN Women

Project duration: 12 months

The project is financed from the EU Delegation in Serbia through the EIDHR program

Project duration: 3 years

Project is funded by: the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway

Duration of the project: 24 months

The Project is funded by: the European Union as part of the regional program IPA 2009 – Civil Society Facility.

Duration of the project: 12 months

The Project is funded by: the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Serbia

Overall objective: contribution to the implementation of the National Strategy for improving the position of women and promoting gender equality (2009-2015)

The aim of the project: Capacity building (acquisition or further development of knowledge) of representatives of relevant state institutions, non-governmental organizations and representatives of local authorities for cooperation and coordinated action of community in the prevention and protection from violence against women and domestic violence.

Cooperation with judicial institutions in prevention and protection from domestic violence

The main objective of the project Rights of victims of violence– Toward the European solutions is to establish a better legal framework for protecting the rights of victims of domestic violence and improving implementation of legislation.

The three-year project is implemented in partnership of 7 civil society organizations (Amity, Autonomous Women's Center, Center for Independent Living Serbia, Civic Initiatives, Group 484, Society for the Promotion of Mental Health in Children and Youth, Roma Information Center) and the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC). The project is financially supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The two-year project is being implemented in cooperation with institutions at the local level (social welfare centers, police stations, the main prosecution offices and courts, health care centers in the municipalities of Lazarevac, Zemun, Zrenjanin, Sombor) in partnership with the Provincial Secretariat for Labour, Employment and Gender Equality, and with the financial support of the OAK Foundation.

The purpose of the project is to contribute to the establishment of the system of protection for victims of domestic violence at the national level through coordinated model of intervention services based on clear policies and principles of protection, formulated rules of conduct and procedures, established mechanisms for monitoring treatment, which will lead to a comprehensive, effective and efficient protection of victims violence.