Autonomous Women’s Center and the Network for European Women’s Lobby Serbia launched an initiative to establish an independent expert body on violence against women – Observatory on violence against women.
Within the project “Civil Society for Governmental Accountability and Poverty Reduction in Serbia”, women civil society organizations from Serbia: Sandglass, Krusevac; Fenomena, Kraljevo; DamaD, Novi Pazar; Association of Roma Women Osvit, Nis; Lighthouse, Loznica; Women’s Center, Uzice and Autonomous Women’s Center, Belgrade monitored budget execution for 2009 on the local level and analyzed the integration of gender in specific budget programs. Analyses were published in the book For Poverty Reduction: Gender Equality and Accountable Government.
Publication For Poverty Reduction: Gender Equality and Accountable Government in Serbian language is available here.
The Cost of Domestic Violence against Women is Serbia was calculated by the Autonomous Women's Center. Analysis includes only the cost of budget beneficiaries who operate under their respective competencies relating to combating domestic violence (direct measurable costs).
On November 17th 2011 at the Palace of Serbia AWC held the conference: "Monitoring the effects of policies and measures on combating violence against women”. The aim of this conference was to present the newly established Observatory on violence against women, an independent expert body tasked to monitor and assess the effects of policies and measures on combating violence against women.
lepa mladjenović
’Presente!: I Am the Voice of Memory and the Body of Liberty;’
The Story of the Second Festival of the Memory of Women Raped in War,
Chimaltenango, Guatemala, February 24-28, 2011