The campaign of Autonomous Women’s Centre and partner organisations is dedicated to the ratification and full implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence.
The campaign is aimed at informing citizens about the content of the Convention. It needs to influence the awareness of the entire society, every individual, that violence – any form of violence – is not the right way of solving problems. The campaign informs citizens about the obligations the country has assumed by ratifying the Convention, which includes the comprehensive protection of women and violence prevention, prosecution and punishment of perpetrators of violence, and an effective and efficient system of monitoring the implementation of the Convention provisions.
Besides partner organisations, nearly 30 women’s organisations from Serbia, organised in the Women against Violence Network participate in the campaign. The campaign will run continuously from November 2013 to November 2014 (see Calendar of Events), with a focus on specific issues and topics.
First phase of the campaign lasted from 2013. to 2014.