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 This year has been declared the year of campaigning against violence against women by the Council of Europe.  The CoE Committee of Ministers emphasises the fact that violence against women is increasing, and is present in each member state, that it is not limited to geographical borders, certain age groups or any particular race, and that it is present in all types of family relations and every social surroundings, being one of the most common forms of human rights violation in the world. The committee also states that violence against women is the result of an imbalance of power between women and men, leading to serious discrimination against women, both within the family and society, depriving women of their ability to enjoy fundamental freedoms and that it has to be eradicated in all Council of Europe member states.

The CoE Committee of Ministers has invited all the member countries to participate in this year’s campaign “16 day of activism against violence against women”.

Ever since 1995, Autonomous Women’s Centre has been actively participating in the campaign 16 days of activism against violence against women. Since 2001, in cooperation with women’s nongovernmental organisations, AWC has been organising the campaign in 40 towns in Serbia.

With the campaign for 2007, under the slogan React, until it is too late, we want to raise awareness of the public and decision makers to adopt clear policy and legislation changes in this field, since EVERY WEEK IN SERBIA A WOMAN IS KILLED BY HER PARTNER OR FORMER PARTNER!

Team for the campaign:

Bobana Macanović, Tanja Ignjatović, Irina Ljubić, Maja Ćirić, Aleksandar Stojanovski, Milena Timotijević, Sonja Lalić, Dragana Vujinović, Jelena Keserović, Nataša Jovanović, Tijana Popivoda, Jelena Savić, Zoe Gudović, Marija Vidić, Slavica Stojanović, Mirjana Mirosavljević

The campaign is realized in cooperation with:

Ženski fond Žene na delu and Maja Ćirić, curator

Activists from these cities joined the campaign:

Niš, Prijepolje, Vrbas, Kula, Srbobran, Bački Petrovac, Bačka Topola, Požarevac, Sombor, Subotica, Zrenjanin, Inđija, Grocka, Gornji Milanovac, Novi Bečej, Pirot, Negotin, Novi Pazar, Tutin, Leskovac, Vlasotince, Bor, Vranje, Knjaževac, Kruševac, Valjevo, Užice, Požega, Bajina Bašta, Kragujevac, Velika Plana, Smederevo, Loznica, Majdanpek, Subotica, Kikinda, Novi Sad, Zaječar, Čačak, Kraljevo

Financial support:


Campaign is supported by:



Thank you for the support:


 Media conference

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