The Autonomous Women’s Center (AWC) submitted a letter to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the Institute for the Advancement of Education in which it states that the new Curriculum for the First Grade of Grammar School indicates a missed opportunity for the integration of gender related topics and the gender perspective into the content of mandatory and optional school subjects, as well as into the general recommendations for the achievement of the Curriculum.

AWC pointed out that education about gender equality in curricula and syllabi at all levels of education, is a responsibility envisaged by the Law on Gender Equality (art. 31, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, no.104/2009) and that this responsibility is also highlighted in other relevant domestic and international documents.  

In its response to our letter, the Institute for the Advancement of Education stated that the integration of topics and content including a gender perspective, and ensuring that the topics of gender equality and gender-based violence are consistently addressed, is a mutual interest. The letter also expresses readiness to consider recommendations of the Autonomous Women’s Center and exchange experiences with the aim of sensitization to gender issues.