281215 sos sAutonomous Women Center and the network Women against Violence organized on December 28th 2015 public discussion on establishing the national SOS help-line for women victims of domestic violence.

amandmani treci putMember of the Parliament, professor Dušan Milisavljević, MD has submitted for voting amendments on the Law on Police, related to police authorization to issue “emergency protection measures” from domestic violence, for the third time.

dmilisavljevic minut cutanja sOnce more today, member of the Parliament, professor Dušan Milisavljević, MD has submitted amendments on the Law on Police, related to police authorization to issue “emergency protection measures” from domestic violence.

odbijen amandman 8 12 2015 sMembers of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia have silently refused to adopt the amendment on the Law on Police regarding introduction of police authorization for removal of perpetrator from the house/home for 14 days within emergency procedure (now and here). Out of total of 170 present MPs, 150 of them did not vote at all. Amendment was submitted and explained by professor Dušan Milisavljević, MD.

Activists of Women in Black and the Network Women against Violence held a public event in the city center of Belgrade, on the occasion of remembrance of the women killed in the Montreal massacre (1989).

Members of the “prEUgovor” coalition have participated in development of the action plans for the chapters 23 and 24, primarily through providing comments related to their field of work. In the future period, the coalition will follow the dynamics and quality of fulfillment of certain measures and activities in connection with those recommendations.

At the sixth annual conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia, Autonomous Women’s Center was awarded the Prize for the Contribution in Enhancing Victims Rights.

Autonomous Women's Center has launched a campaign "Stop violence. From words - to action!", which is aimed at decision-makers in Serbia, demanding that the Council of Europe Convention on Violence against women is consistently implemented.

Representatives of Autonomous Women's Center and partner organizations from Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia and Montenegro participated in 17th WAVE Conference „Women’s Collective Power to Stop Violence! Conference to strengthen the WAVE network“, which was held on 2nd of November 2015, in The Hague, The Netherlands.

konferencija 29 10 2915 sOn 29th of October, 2015, Autonomous Women's Center organized third international conference "Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Violence against Women - two years after its ratification in the Republic of Serbia".