brankica jankovic potpis

The Commissioner for Protection of Equality, Brankica Jankovic, supported the petition to proclaim May 18th the Day of Remembrance of  Murdered Women Victims of Violence. She put her signature on the petition at the Commissioner’s Office, as did all employees of this institution.

Aleksandra Nestorov from the Network of Women against Violence, which along with the Autonomous Women’s Center started this initiative, noted that remembering these women “is the least we can do, considering that state institutions and all of society already missed their chance to offer support and protection when it was needed”.

The Commissioner for Protection of Equality noted that violence against women is one of the biggest social problems and that she’s aware that not every murder can be prevented, but that the reason a murder happens must not be that there were omissions made in the state’s protection system. She added that it’s of utmost importance to determine individual responsibility when it comes to omissions in the work of institutions, and that she expects that the new Law on Domestic Violence Prevention will regulate this issue.