2/11/2015, Hague: Representatives of Autonomous Women's Center and partner organizations from Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia and Montenegro participated in 17th WAVE Conference „Women’s Collective Power to Stop Violence! Conference to strengthen the WAVE network“, which was held on 2nd of November 2015, in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Within the first panel, which was dedicated to good practice examples in lobbying and awareness raising activities on violence against women, Tanja Ignjatovic from Autonomous Women’s Center and Nela Pamukovic from Center for Women War Victims – ROSA have presented the campaing “I Sign” and key results achieved within the joint project “Coordinated efforts – toward new European standards in protection of women from gender-based violence”.
By participating in the second workshop, dedicated to the WAVE campaign to realize the right of women to be supported by specialist women’s support services as required by the Istanbul Convention, Danijela Pesic from AWC and Alenka Karlin from the Association SOS helpline have delivered speeches on the results of the joint regional project and the campaign "I sign" in relation to the establishment of specialized services for women who have experienced violence in Serbia and Slovenia.