Autonomous Women's Center started implementation of the project “Coordinated efforts - toward new European standards in protection of women from gender based violence”, funded by the European Union.

Overall objective of this project is to contribute to the establishment of comprehensive legal and policy solutions for protection against gender-based violence in the Western Balkans, as conditions for the realization of democracy, human rights, social inclusion and harmonization with EU values. In addition, the project is aimed to capacity building of women’s CSOs and networks in 4 Western Balkan countries for the analyses, monitoring and advocacy in the field of protection of women from gender-based violence, through a long-term regional cooperation and learning from the EU experience. 

Expected results:

  1. Developed knowledge and skills of women’s CSOs for active participation in public dialogue and impact on decision makers in the field of protection from GBV
  2. Established dialogue between women’s organizations/networks and decision makers on harmonization of national laws and measures for GBV victims protection with the CoE Convention
  3. Strengthened capacities of local women’s organizations for representing the rights of beneficiaries and monitoring measures of protection from GBV and social inclusion at the local level
  4. Established system for comprehensive monitoring of implementation of legal and policy solutions related to CoE Convention, by women’s CSO networks

Main groups of activities:

  1. Developing of knowledge and skills (seminars, workshops, trainings) of women’s organizations and networks for participation in the dialogue and impact on decision makers and implementers
  2. Advocacy activities (campaign and conferences) related to the ratification and harmonisation of national laws and policies with the CoE Convention provisions. Baseline-study and drafting legislation and policy recommendations
  3. Strengthening capacities of women’s CSOs for representation of beneficiaries’ rights and monitoring the implementation of policies at the local level
  4. Monitoring and assessment of the effects of implementation of the CoE Convention provisions

Partner organizations in this project are Center for Women War Victims (Croatia), United Women (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Association of SOS Help Line for Women and Children – Victims of violence (Slovenia), Union - National Council for Gender Equality (FYR Macedonia) and Women against Violence Europe - WAVE (Austria).