8/11/2012, Belgrade: Autonomous Women's Center organized the international conference “The poverty risks for women who have experienced violence and for multiple marginalized groups of women” on 8th of November 2012, in Belgrade. At the conference were presented key features and initiatives for improving social inclusion policies for women who have experienced violence and other marginalized groups of women in Western Balkan countries and the European Union. There were presented poverty risks for these groups of women in the midst of the financial crisis, with a special focus on the impact of reduced funding and cutbacks in services and benefits on women's rights in Europe.

The conference was attended by 62 representatives of state institutions, independent bodies, non-governmental organizations from Slovenia and Western Balkans countries (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE), Vienna Intervention Centre against Domestic Violence, Center for violence against women in Bologna, Delegation of the EU to the Republic of Serbia, European Women's Lobby (EWL), Offices of the UN agencies in Serbia (UNICEF, UN Women, UNDP) and the media.

The conference is the final activity within the project “Towards Social Cohesion – influencing social inclusion policy for multiply marginalized groups of women and victims of violence”, implemented in partnership with the Center for Women War Victims (Croatia), United Women Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Association SOS Telephone (Slovenia). The project is funded by the European Union within the IPA Regional Programme 2009 – Civil Society Facility.

The Conference presentations and conclusions can be found here.