uzurpacija narodne skupstineWe are witnessing an act of extreme violence against the institution of the National Parliament seeing as the decision of MPs was changed without a vote, and all in the aim of stopping the work of the Commission set up after the heinous crimes of May 3rd and then May 4th, that is, so that the government would evade political responsibility for the aforementioned explosion of violence. The Commission’s work would have inevitable increased the visibility of the government’s responsibility. The Autonomous Women’s Center signed on to the press release of the Associations of Citizens’ Network, journalists, and media against violence.

The decision to set up a Commission was adopted by 193 MPs at a session with full attendance of all MPs, and now we are seeing it trampled on by some press release reversing the decision, that hasn’t even been signed. Their decision can only be reversed by a new vote by MPs.

The government is hiding behind the pain of the families of the murdered children, and is avoiding the fact that families of those murdered in Dubona and Orasje have not requested that the Commission cease its work.

This violation of the National Parliament is just one more piece of evidence that the institutions which should be the pillars of the system are in fact generating violence instead of fighting it.

The Network of citizens’ associations, journalists and media against violence held a press conference on the topic of the cessation of the Commission’s work and it can be seen HERE (in Serbian).

You can read more about the establishment and activities of the Commission set up to determine facts and circumstances that lead to two mass murders on May 3rd and then on May 4th HERE.