azc The Senior Public Prosecutor of the Special Department for Prevention of Corruption of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Niš has again refused to act on the criminal charges filed by the Autonomous Women's Center against the judges and prosecutors in Pirot, stating that it may possibly be an offense under Art. 360 of the CC, but not about the part from Art. 361 CC. Therefore, the Senior Public Prosecutor received the Notification of the Senior Public Prosecutor's Office in Pirot that the subject criminal charges for Art. 360 were rejected. It was also reiterated to the Senior Public Prosecutor that the Autonomous Women's Center knows that the criminal offense referred to in Art. 360 of the CC is a serious criminal offense for which intent is required, and that the criminal charges filed under Art. 361 of the CC, for which it is sufficient that the act was committed negligently.

In the meantime, according to the complaint, the Autonomous Women's Center received a response from the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office dated September 19, 2023. which you can view HERE.

The letter from the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Niš to the AWC, dated September 20, 2023, can be viewed HERE.

The letter from the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Pirot sent to the AWC, dated September 27, 2023, can be viewed the HERE.

The letter from AWC dated October 6, 2023 and addressed to the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Niš can be viewed HERE.