On April 11, 2023, the Autonomous Women's Center organized the presentation of the first (three-month) results of the application of the mediation model in the employment of women/victims of domestic violence in Belgrade, with the aim of expanding this practice to coordination and cooperation groups throughout Serbia.
The model created as an initiative of the Second Basic Public Prosecutor's Office (II BPPO), which was launched by Deputy Public Prosecutor Milica Ljubičić, was presented to competent institutions in all 17 Belgrade municipalities at the end of 2022. Then the coordinator for gender-based violence in the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade (HPPO), deputy public prosecutor Gorjana Mirčić Čaluković, organized training for representatives of all six basic public prosecutor's offices, and written guidelines were drawn up for organizing meetings, planning measures, monitoring achieved results, with examples of minutes and records of employment mediation activities for victims of domestic violence.
The first results of the meetings held regularly every month since January 2023 in all groups for coordination and cooperation in the territory of the City of Belgrade can serve as an example of good practice throughout Serbia, but also as a model for the inclusion of all relevant actors in all forms of support for victims of violence, in accordance with provisions of art. 4 of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence, as well as with Art. 12, 25 and 26 of the Law.
At the beginning of the meeting, Anja Zečević gave a welcome speech in front of the AWC, who highlighted the reason for organizing this meeting and who thanked all the participants in the space and those who follow the meeting via the zoom application. She also informed that AWC has established a new service for economic information and empowerment of women, and she thanked the donors who back support services for women who have experienced violence, in this case AVON Foundation Fund, L'Oreal Fund for Women and Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation.
Gorjana Mirčić Čaluković, coordinator for gender-based violence in HPPO in Belgrade, Milica Ljubičić, deputy public prosecutor in II BPPO in Belgrade, Željka Zelenović Vuković from the National Employment Service (NES) spoke about the results of the application of the mediation model in the employment of victims of domestic violence, challenges and opportunities. branch Belgrade and Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality. The meeting was moderated by Jovana Markulić from AWC.
After the presentation, questions and discussion followed. The meeting was attended by 27 people, and 37 people followed the meeting online.
You can see the note from the meeting HERE.
You can download the guidelines for employment mediation HERE.
Information for women with experience of violence can be found HERE.
You can watch the recording of the professional meeting here: