After a complaint sent to the Press Council by the Autonomous Women's Center regarding an interview with a repeatedly convicted rapist published by the daily newspaper Informer on September 28, 2022, this self-regulatory body found a violation of as many as six points of the Code of Journalists of Serbia.
The Complaints Commission of the Press Council, considering the appeal of the Autonomous Women's Center, unanimously determined that the Informer violated the provisions concerning the public interest (Chapter I, point 1), the dignity of victims of criminal acts (Chapter IV, point 5) and spreading fear (Chapter VI, point 8) which the AWC appealed, as well as additional provisions established by the Commission, which refer to the prohibition of incitement to violence (Chapter IV, point 1), the prohibition of content that may have a harmful effect on children (Chapter IV, point 4) and duties of journalistic attention (Chapter V, point 1).
On that occasion, the daily Informer was given a public reprimand, which it is not obliged to publish, considering that the newspaper did not recognize the competence of the Press Council as a self-regulatory body.
Although in this sense this decision has only a symbolic importance, the Autonomous Women's Center welcomes the establishment of a violation, especially for the sake of the women who contacted us in the previous weeks, and who were intimidated and upset by the interview.
The complaint of the Autonomous Women's Center is available in Serbian at this link.