socijalna pravaThe Autonomous Women's Center participated, at the invitation of A11 - Initiative for Economic and Social Rights, in the online panel "Towards the new Law on Social Card", and within the framework of marking the Privacy Week. The panel also included representatives of A11, the Commissioner for Access to Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection and the Team for Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction, while the line Ministry, although invited, did not have a representative.

AWC representative (Tanja Ignjatović) made key remarks on the Draft Law on Social Cards, to which no answer was received from the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs in 2019. In the meantime, this Law was highlighted as a priority in the program of the new Government (2020), and the Draft entered the parliamentary procedure with partial changes, without public debate. All interlocutors agreed that the Bill has a number of shortcomings that call into question the justification and proportion of the collection, processing and exchange of a huge amount of data on social protection beneficiaries and related persons.

It was also pointed out that, although some of the Commissioner's proposals for access to information of public importance and protection of personal data were adopted, he did not give a positive opinion on the analysis of the justification of the introduction of the law. The participants agreed that actions should be taken against the competent Committee of the National Assembly and the Constitutional Court, as the amendments could not lead to a substantial improvement of the Draft Law on Social Cards.

You can see the Draft Law on social cards (Serbian language) HERE.

You can see the comments on the Draft Law on Social Cards submitted by the AWC to the competent ministry (2019) (Serbian language) HERE.