Belgrade, 26 – 27 November 2020. The annual international Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia will be organized online this year, on 26th and 27th November 2020, titled COVID-19 in the Balkans: patterns of victimization and victims’ rights.
The conference aims to enable the exchange of experiences and knowledge related to the impact of COVID-19 on patterns of victimization, rights and victim support in the Balkans. Special attention will be paid to particularly vulnerable categories of victims in the Covid-19 era, such as women, children and the elderly, as well as to the challenges and lessons learned in providing support to victims in general and victims of domestic violence and trafficking in particular. The conclusions and recommendations reached during the conference should serve as a basis for proposing policies and practices in the context of the further propagation of COVID-19 virus but also in other crisis situations, which will be based on respect for human rights, especially the rights of victims.
Representatives of the Autonomous Women’s Center, Mirjana Mitić, Dijana Malbaša and Tanja Ignjatović, will participate in Thematic Session 3: Support to Victims in the Age of COVID-19: Challenges and Lessons Learned, where they will present the possibility of adapting support services for women with the experience of violence during and after the state of emergency caused by the SARS-COV 2 pandemic: Challenges and lessons learned.
The program of the Conference is available HERE.
The book of summaries from the online conference is available HERE.