The Regulation on Protection against Sexual Harassment and Extortion of the Faculty of Law – Union University in Belgrade, came into effect last week. This is the second faculty in Serbia (besides the Faculty of Political Sciences – University of Belgrade) that has taken steps to improve the protection of employees and students from sexual harassment by adopting a separate internal act addressing this issue. This document defines the terms “sexual harassment” and “extortion”, bans such behavior and determines measures of prevention and steps in the protection from sexual harassment, with the aim of promoting academic freedoms, equal opportunities, and respect of the integrity and dignity of all participants in the process of higher education.
In the previous period, the Autonomous Women’s Center has made significant efforts in advocating for the adoption of internal acts at faculties, which contribute to better protection from sexual harassment. Activities focused on support in the formulation of regulations and activities aimed at increasing awareness on the need to improve protection from and prevention of sexual harassment, extortion and sexist discrimination at faculties.
As response to the experiences of young women and men concerning sexual harassment (Perception and experiences of youth concerning sexual harassment), AWC has implemented several workshops with female students on gender-based violence, harassment, solidarity and standing up to discrimination. In addition to this, the campaign “Protected” was implemented in the previous period, focusing, among other things, education without sexual harassment.
The Regulation of the Faculty of Law – Union University in Belgrade, is available in Serbian at this link.