Donors: Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands.
Project name: Effective policies and unified practice in support and protection of domestic violence survivors.
Project duration: July 2020 – July 2022.
Project goal: The aim of the project proposal is to contribute to the full implementation of the legal framework and improved institutional practice related to protection of domestic violence survivors.
Project objectives: clearly formulated proposals for improvement of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence and other laws aimed at protection of DV through monitoring their implementation and identifying gaps; increased readiness of decision makers to review and adopt necessary changes; increased knowledge and understanding of 300 professionals on adequate response on the needs of survivors of violence; increasing effectiveness of 150 professionals in protection of DV victims in individual cases.
Basic information about the project: the project aims to provide comprehensive response to problems recognised during the implementation of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence. Mapping the gaps and challenges in implementation will lead to consultations with experts in the field and deliverance of recommendations for relevant decision makers. Beside policy level, activities consider support to practitioners in charge for implementation of the law. Guidelines and training will be developed and delivered to professionals. First and last instance are beneficiaries (women and their children, victims of violence) who are most relevant to point on the problems in implementation of the law and to whom support will be provided while addressing institutions, to secure their safety and security, rights and needs.