• Radio jingles:
  • Leaflet of the campaign 2002. in Serbian

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If you are a victim of domestic violence, the police must, ex officio, to get involved in prevention of domestic violence:

  • to collect information on violence of a family member
  • to call the abuser as suspect when you, or a family member, are reporting violence
  • to add personal data of the abuser to the police database
  • to, by the order of the investigating judge, undertake investigative measures

The police can, with the court order, to undertake protection measures, impairment and witnesses.

Because violence doesn't stop when a women leaves the abuser, nor when she report him to the police or start the court procedure,

We are asking the state to

Develop the conditions for stopping any further domestic violence


  • Remove the abuser from the family
  • Prohibit the harassment and convergence to the family members
  • Forbid access to home and workplace
  • Refer the abuser to the required psychological treatment
  • Prohibit the abuser procuring weapons and confiscate weapons that he posess
  • All court proceedings carry out like an emergency procedure